About Me

I was born creative.

I grew up in Vermont in the 1960’s and believe me there wasn’t a whole lot to entertain a kid back then. Add in that my parents didn’t have a lot of money and we made due with what we had. Imagination and creativity was key to sanity. Barbie needed clothes? We made them from scraps of our old clothes. I wanted doll food? I made it from melted wax crayons. Bubble stuff? Dishwashing detergent thinned. The wand? Hanger wire twisted into a circle shape.

My father’s mother knit afghans, mittens, slippers, sweaters, ponchos, hair ties, hats and scarves. She also did needlepoint.

My mother’s mother crocheted beautiful delicate doilies.

My mom was super crafty – she made curtains, wreaths, macrame plant holders, pot holders, homemade soup and tomato sauce, hats, scarves. She made our dance recital outfits from scratch, as well as all of our halloween costumes, dresses, shirts and skirts.  There wasn’t anything she couldn’t do.


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